What Is The Automattic Theme Team?

So, just what is this Automattic Theme Team anyway? In a nutshell, we’re a bunch of people who really care about WordPress Themes and want to see them get better and better on WordPress.com and for every WordPress.org user. And this is our blog.

You’ll be hearing more from us individually in the coming weeks but I thought, to get started, it’d be a good idea to share a few of the team goals we’ve been discussing. Just some rough thoughts really. But I’m hoping that by sharing them here you can get a better idea of what we’re up to—and get as excited as I am about it all.

  1. Every WordPress.com user should feel like there’s a theme that fits them perfectly, that is exactly how they want to present themselves to the world, that they’re excited to show to their friends.
  2. We want everyone to feel a sense of momentum and ever-increasing possibilities, and to do so we will present as many perfect-fit WordPress themes to as many WordPress.com users as we can.
  3. We will ensure all of our public work represents the best in coding practices, web standards, and technical excellence.
  4. We will craft all of our themes to have consistent user experience and meet our users expectations and hopes.
  5. We will teach WordPress developers to become the best theme developers in the world. If you’re a WordPress theme developer—commercial or 100% free—we want to help you be the best.
  6. We will ensure all our improvements make it back to the open source community.

I love the idea of meeting the “expectations and hopes” of WordPress users by delivering to them the best in WordPress themes. Pretty, painless, perfect-fit ones that just plain work.

So, the Automattic Theme Team. We’re WordPress themers developing for the millions of users on WordPress.com who want to give back as much as possible to the WordPress theme community at large.

Let’s be awesome together.

17 responses

  1. Can’t wait to see all the goodness you turn out!

  2. I’m more excited than ever for the future of WordPress.com with a new dedicated theme team. Best wishes, and I can’t wait to see what your team creates! Go WordPress 🙂

  3. I use Thematic as my framework for EVERY wordpress development. If your work over at Automattic is half as good as your work on Thematic then I’m super excited to see what you guys turn out! Good luck.

  4. Studying more on thematic framework 🙂 I read a hell lot of peoples great comments on thematic framwrk..Now, very happy to hear you are working with guys who made wordpress possible 🙂

  5. I wouldn’t expect anything else from you 🙂

    Keep being awesome!

  6. I think it is also important to update/upgrade the themes that’s been in use for long time. It is fine to introduce new themes, but the old ones shouldn’t be left alone.

  7. Cool, I’ll be looking forward to seeing what kind of innovations the theme team can come up with! Will these themes the team is developing for WordPress.com be made available on WordPress.org as well?

    I’ve been working my way through the Theme Development Checklist trying to get my first public theme up to snuff for the Themes Directory, so I’d definitely like to learn the best practices for coding a quality theme.

  8. I’m excited to see what you all come up with! A Theme Team can only be beneficial to WordPress!

  9. Good Ideas, but i feel a business should have there own theme. It should be custom to them. A theme should not be reused ever if its for a business.

    Now creating themes that support child themes and that can be customized sounds like a really good idea.

    I have been using wordpress for bout 5 years now. There has only been a handful of themes i have really ever played with. Its easier for me to learn a theme “framework” like K2 – build and help it grow.

    A place on the web with cool tips on how to do cool things with wordpress could be cool.

    Thanks for the hard work, looking forward to see what you guys come up with.

  10. […] proud to be part of an awesome team bringing improvements and craftmanship to WordPress themes. Today we publicly announced our team […]

  11. Chris Dornan Avatar
    Chris Dornan

    Great objectives: Go Ian Go.

  12. That’s great – I’m waiting for the next post already. As a theme developer, it seems this will be my top followed blog from now on.

  13. mercime Avatar

    This is good news all around. Now that BuddyPress child themes are allowed in WP theme repo, does that also mean that WP 3.0 2010 child themes will be accepted as well?

  14. Sounds awesome, can’t wait to see the outcome of this.

    Any chance we’ll see a WordPress 3.0 optimised framework or perhaps even an HTML5 version sometime in the near future?

  15. Theme Team, where the updated version of Thematic to go with WP 3.0? I’m missing custom menu support 🙂

    1. You can check out what’s happening with Thematic here.

  16. […] Automattic’s part, our theme team has been taking the opportunity to update our blogs stuck on Cutline and Pressrow, which were […]