New Default WordPress Theme Twenty Twelve Hits Core for 3.4

Speaking of WordPress Themes in 2012, the new WordPress default theme for this year is in da hizzous.

For the 3.4 release cycle the core WordPress team is trying something new: assigning small teams to tackle various parts of the release. The Twenty Twelve team is Matt Mullenweg (Holder of the Keys and Grand Master Themengineer), Drew Strojny (Designer and Minimalist), and Lance Willett (Thematurge).

Want to keep tabs on this new default WordPress theme? Follow development updates on WordPress Development Updates and in Trac: Twenty Twelve ticket and Bundled Themes.

We’re super excited to see it land in WordPress trunk and start taking shape.

3 responses

  1. george bosstiger Avatar
    george bosstiger

    Hola fellows, I’ve seen the twenty twelve demo at: and it didn’t make me fly up to the clouds!… if you compare it with the 2011 and the 2010 you will see that 2012 theme isn’t that groundbreaking WP theme as these themes that I mentioned before, I would suggest to publish this new theme as slow as it can get so you will have more time to develop it and make it more better, for example if you compare the oxygen theme with the 2012 oxygen is way better… if you need any ideas, suggestions I could give you not a tone but exactly what you need to, I’ll be waiting for your reply.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts, George. To lend a hand with bug fixes or reporting issues please head over to core Trac (see links in my post above).

    1. george bosstiger Avatar
      george bosstiger

      thanks for the reply, give me a hand, where exactly should i head to, to add my suggestions and ideas for twenty twelve?

      here or somewhere else