WordPress Theme Preview: Theseus



Theseus, A WordPress Theme

Clicking on the image above will take you to a demo of my WordPress theme-in-progress, Theseus. Of course, depending on when you read this, it might lead to the finished theme. Then again, you may be reading this farther in the future than I’m anticipating and the link will instead lead to a page extolling the virtues of our new Martian overlords. In that case, all hail Theseus, Emperor of Mars!

Ahem. Like I said, it’s a theme-in-progress. The footer widgets are unstyled, along with the comments, and I haven’t added the theme options page for controlling the feature post. Plus, it could also stand a bit more SEO Voodoo (page titles and single post titles should have <h1> tags and the title tag should be optimized for posts)

And, in a fit of lazy-clever, I’m using opacity to modify color (sorry IE, your preview will look different). I’ll change it in the final release of course, but it makes my life easier when I haven’t fully settled on a background color.

Anyway, I’d appreciate it if you could check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks!

Preview Theseus.

Update: Theseus is finished and ready for downloading.

14 responses

  1. You are really cranking out some awesome themes Ian! I love the search in the header.

  2. Ian Stewart Avatar
    Ian Stewart

    Thanks, Will. I feel like I’m playing catch-up, though. And besides, I want to appear useful to future Martian invaders. You know, if they’re into blogging and stuff.

  3. If future Martian invaders judge on WordPress themes I may be screwed 🙂

  4. As I continue to look all over the net for a new theme for my site, I have to say that, consistently, it’s yours I keep returning to. This, for one, is utterly beautiful. And as for the Martian invaders, they have given up and gone home; they never liked the idea of blogging, anyway.

  5. Ian Stewart Avatar
    Ian Stewart

    Thanks, UW. Tweeters are from Mars, Bloggers are from Venus?

  6. Another great theme!

    — Jason Simon

  7. Ian Stewart Avatar
    Ian Stewart

    Thanks, Jason.

  8. Nice work, Ian! You are the single-column Jedi, probably good in case the Martians are hostile.

  9. Ian Stewart Avatar
    Ian Stewart

    “The single-column Jedi”! Yes! Thanks, David.

    My next theme will more than likely be a two-column theme, though.

  10. The uppercased blog title is definitely the prettiest Lucida Grande I’ve ever seen. Very inspiring 🙂

  11. Ian Stewart Avatar
    Ian Stewart

    I love Lucida. By the way, for this theme I’m using the Lucida Hybrid Alternative.

  12. The theme is simply awesome! Although I need to figure out how to display pages with a parent – or sub pages cleanly. Currently the top nav has no reference to the child pages that I have published..

    Sorry if this is completely the wrong place to post this type of comment.

  13. i love this template.

    i have a question regarding the archives page… if i click on either a category or a month… i would like the next page to be a list of posts from that category or month… not a single post.

    is there a way to do this? i’ve done some digging around but i don’t want to mess with the code too much.

    thanks in advance !

  14. Hi,
    This is an awesome theme i have come across, i wanted to try this on my local machine but since the download link is not working ( dunno for me only or wat?) so it would be great if you could just mail me the theme itself : vikki.km@gmail.com is my ID

    I have a doubt can the feature entry be static page? if yes how to do?