Awesome Up Your WordPress Theme With Post Formats

This August I had the pleasure of speaking at WordCamp San Francisco on awesome-ing up WordPress themes with Post Formats. If you wanted to check out my presentation but weren’t there, or missed the livestream, have no fear! You too can check it out, right now, right here, thanks to the magic of

If you want to follow the along with the slides, you can do that too by downloading them right here.

Awesome WordPress Themes Mentioned In My Talk:

Of course, there are even more cool themes out there using Post Formats in awesome ways. And you’re going to be making some of them, right? I hope so. 🙂

12 responses

  1. […] Word­Camp San Fran­cisco about how to use post for­mats in your Word­Press theme. The video is now online and posted over at Theme­Shaper.He’s also made all the slides avail­able to down­load if you want to save them for later […]

  2. Hey Ian,

    Loved your presentation at WCSF.

    We just launched our first WordPress theme with Post Formats:

    A free version is coming on soon, but you can get it early on Github:

    We’ll be implementing Post Formats into all of our existing themes soon as well.

  3. Ian I watched the presentation this past weekend. Great job! Helped clear some things up for me about when to use post formats as opposed to custom post types. I hand’t seen you present before, but I’ll be looking forward to the next time you do.

  4. Awesome presentations. I’m not a theme developer, but as a user, I can say that Post-formats, like Image, Link, Videos etc., in blogs are the soul of those blogs.

  5. thanks for the presentation Ian.
    Do you think its okay to use custom post types with custom meta fields as a plugin? That way they can work with multiple themes, especially if they just use standard WordPress hooks. thoughts?

    1. It’s probably better to create CPTs with a plugin for that very reason. So, yes. 🙂

  6. Post Format support coming soon to a WordPress mobile app in your pocket 🙂

  7. OK, what I don’t get is why you would call format content in the code (content-format-name) seems like format-name (format-aside) would be more apt. Seems to further confuse formats with post-type the latter of which when you think is actually WordPress content or content types.
    Just a thought.

  8. Nick Plekhanov Avatar
    Nick Plekhanov

    Ian, great talk! Thanks

    BUT… Explain me please why post formats were introduced (their main purpose) if there are CCT (custom content type) feature already exist in WordPress?

    So, basically i mean, that we can just create a separate content types (video, gallery, image, etc.) for different formats and style them appropriately 🙂

    So, what are the core and main purpose of both features?


    1. I touched on it a bit in the questions after the presentation but if you want to go into more detail on it both Otto and Mark Jaquith have written about the differences between Post Formats and Custom Post Types.

      1. Nick Plekhanov Avatar
        Nick Plekhanov

        Ok. Thanks for the reply. I will definitely check those great articles.

  9. Never thought about this term “Post Formats” .. such a great presentation you have shared here 🙂 Thanks so much.
