Power Up Thematic With The Power Blog Theme

Want to get started developing the perfect WordPress theme for your blog? Want to do it with Thematic? And don’t know where to begin? You’re not alone. That’s why I’ve starting something I’m calling the Thematic Development Series. A series of Thematic Child Themes that show you how I would get it done. First up, The Thematic Power Blog Theme.


The Power Blog Theme has everything you’ll need to know to get started building your ultimate WordPress Blog Theme. Here’s a quick run down of the features:

  • Adds a Header Image with CSS (commented in the code to show you how to change things up)
  • Adds 4 new widget-ready areas to Thematic, bringing the total up to 17 (!) widget-ready areas
  • 3 Column layout with a Crown Aside (or sidebar) resting above the 2 traditional sidebars
  • Adds a new RSS widget as an example of how to add them in yourself
  • Drop down category menu on blog pages

Interested? Keep reading on the release page to find out how you can get the Thematic Power Blog theme and power-up your blog.

11 responses

  1. Congratulations! The price is very attractive, considering the quality of the work.

    I only have one question: How do you come up with such strange numbers? Are you converting from Canadian dollars? 😀

  2. So, I bought this as soon as I saw it.

    Put quite plainly…


    That’s all I wanted to say.

    1. Awesome. 🙂

  3. I got to get my hands on Thematic. I’m a new guy in this wordpress theming and wanting to use my own theme on my new website, which is currently using Brian Gardner’s shades of blue. I loved it, but look forward to use thematic theme when I get to play with it.

  4. rgregory Avatar

    I purchased this a few days ago and finally had a chance to look it over. I love the look and am a great fan of your work.

    Just curios, why is there no readme with some more instructions on how to modify this theme?

    1. That’s a good question. Really, it’s kind of hard to provide a readme on something that can proceed in infinite directions. You can do anything with it. That said, I’ve tried to do a good job of commenting the code. And there’s lots of ideas and tips on how to customize Thematic on the ThemeShaper blog and in the forums.

  5. Hi – this still has the non validating duplicate DIV IDs for the first, second and third. I mentioned this via a private tweet – and didnt see a fix mentioned in the forums…

    1. Thanks for pointing that out, Kel. I’ll post a forum topic and update the download.

  6. Wonderful theme. And insanely reasonable in terms of price.

    I do have one question, though. How might I be able to get the comment numbers to show up? I have a rather active comment section, and commenters find it helpful to be able to cite the comment number in their replies.

    1. Oh, and one other quick question, if I may — is it possible to turn the category list underneath the top horizontal menu off?

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